Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The Most Important One of ALL....
The Saviour and His Atonement!
I am so thankful for that great gift.
And, that I was raised to know about the Gospel.
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father!
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Boy, he worked very hard to get us ready for our big family gathering.
He spent a lot of time cleaning, fixing up the yard, setting up tables and chairs, cleaning our floors.
It was crazy around here for about four or five days, which was just FUN.
BUT, that is not the only time he works hard.
I appreciate him for all that he does and I'm very grateful.
Monday, November 29, 2021
The Bright Blue Sun
Living in Rexburg, it was often overcast and gloomy.
Living in St George, it is mostly SUNNY. Which I love and appreciate.
And, I am thankful.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
The Book of Mormon
I try to read it every day.
It always amazed me every time I read it how different things come out and I don't remember having read that before.
It's so inspiring.
And, I am grateful
Friday, November 26, 2021
Sound of Laughter
I love to hear my family laughing together.
I love being in a restaurant and hearing people having a good time and laughing.
It's so fun to be in a movie theatre and hear the audience break into laughter.
Oh, laughter is such a great thing.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Mi Familia
Our family is together.
And, I LOVE it!
I am so grateful for our's such a blessing. Having a great family is one of the things that I am most grateful.
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father.
I am grateful.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Eyesight, Hearing, Tasting, Feeling, Just Being ALIVE!
I feel so grateful for my senses.
At this point in my life, they work.
And, I am so very grateful.
Monday, November 22, 2021
An Awesome Son
Jordan arrived last night.
He is such a joy to have around.
He's articulate, bright, has an incredible memory, tells some fantastic stories.
He' so great.
And, I am thankful.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Two Incredible Daughters
Oh, how I love those two amazing daughters.
Kristi and Jenni are the absolute BEST and most thoughtful daughters in the WORLD!
I do so love them.
And, I'm so grateful for them.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of two amazing, talented, inspiring daughters.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Living in St George
I'm so happy living here.
I love the sunny weather. Sure, it gets very hot here.
But the winters are great.
And, I'm so grateful I'm here and not in Rexburg.
Friday, November 19, 2021
The Marvelous Ladies in our Ward
Last night we had a Relief Society gathering. Because of the topic, Allen went with me.
We got there a little early, so the women and I engaged in light fun talking. We joked, we bandied about, we laughed, we kidded each other; there was such a great overwhelming feeling of camraderie.
On our drive home, Allen said, "What I enjoyed the most was the conversation before the meeting began. Seeing all the women just laughing and having such a good time, was just fun to see."
Very early this morning, I went down each row, one by one, thinking of each woman and how much I am inspired and love each of those women. I thought of some of the women in our ward who weren't there and how much I love and admire them.
I was overcome with gratitude and am so grateful we found a home in this neighborhood amongst these incredibly GOOD women.
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father. For this marvelous situation in our ward.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Modern Technology
I am reading a book that points out the evils of social media and phones, etc.
And, I totally get that. I worry about my grandchildren and the amount of screen time they have each day - even in school.....
But, I'm so very thankful for my IPhone, Bluetooth technology, hi speed internet, ear phones, computers, FaceTime; all of it. Of course, I get that there is danger in it, but I also see how helpful it is.
I read my scriptures, listen to conference talks, get the news, chat with my friends and family, play a game or two, listen to meaningful podcasts, books on tape....all on my phone.
And, yes, I am very grateful for these modern inventions.
I think God is using it for good in the world.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of technology.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
My Parents
I was raised in a wonderful home with caring, kind parents.
I cannot give enough thanks to Heavenly Father for the wonderful parents that I have.
And, I am grateful.
Aren't they beautiful? Oh, I was so blessed. How I love them and give thanks for them.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
A BACK That Doesn't Give Me Problems
People say that all the time. My dear friend, Bonnie, is in pain constantly from her back. And, now, she was refused a much-needed devise to help her manage the pain. The insurance company said NO...NOT MEDICALLY NEEDED. When she was telling me this, she was so close to tears. She thought she was FINALLY going to get relief.
I will pay for her.
But, as I stood and listened to her, I realized how grateful I am for a back that holds me up, supports me, and doesn't bother me very much at all.
Oh, how grateful I am. Thank you, Heavenly Father.
Monday, November 15, 2021
The Red Butte Ward
I just love the members in our ward; they are good and honorable.
Each week, I am so impressed with the wonderful people.
They teach their children, they live the principles.
They are just good and inspiring.
And, I am so very grateful.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Many of our friends wear hearing aids. Which is so good.
And, I will be forced to wear them also. Probably quite soon.
BUT, in the meantime, I can hear.
Thank you, Heavenly Father.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
It's true that I need glasses.
It's true that my eyesight is getting weaker.
But, it's also true that I can still see. And, that makes me so very grateful.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Living in St George
For about 35 years we lived in Rexburg, Idaho.
I really enjoyed living that little burg. But, I hated the long cold, windy winters.
So, when we had the opportunity to move to St George Utah, I was eager to do so.
I have absolutely LOVED living here, and I'm so grateful that we moved here.
It has been such a blessing.
And, I am grateful.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Learning and Being Exposed to New Ideas
Last night, Emily Matthews tough a class for her senior project.
It was so excellent. It was on MINDFULNESS.
I learned a lot and hope I WILL incorporate the knowledge I gained into my every day life.
Change is hard, so I'm not sure I will be able to do it, because I have not been mindful person.
I always look forward to the next event, the next hour, the nap, the bedtime, etc.
But, this morning, I did what Emily suggested. I thought about my food; ate slowly, with no distractions, and focused on the food, thinking about its source, the people involved in getting it to my table. It will be hard to do this all the time, but it was a good thing.
I will try to be more mindful about so many things.
And, I'm thankful to have learned what I did.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
WOW! What a fun surprise to have Vern and Betty drop by to say hello.
I truly love these two dear friends. They are happy, positive, and inspiring.
Betty has had so many health challenges. Vern is just the best, happy guy ever.
And, I am so grateful.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
I love these marvelous grandchildren of ours. It's hard to put into words how much I care for them, pray for them, and want the best for them.
Here's just a sampling of our wonderful 16!
Can you tell the first 3 are from Halloween 2021?
I'm so very thankful. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for focusing on the FAMILY!
Saturday, November 6, 2021
The two pictures above are from the Timpview High School presentation. I thought it should have been a top finisher, but it did finish 7th out of 34, so that's good. Utah High School State Band Competition.
Friday, November 5, 2021
I get up, turn on a faucet to wash my hands and face.
I turn on a faucet and get a refreshing drink of water.
I put the clothes in the washing machine and out comes clean hot or cold water.
I turn on the sprinkler system and streams of water go on the lawn and the flowers and shrubs.
I dress in my swim suit and swim in a cool, clean swimming pool filled with good water.
My access to water is so very easy, so very simple; I rarely even think of what a miracle it is, even tho I live in a desert.
So many people have water issues; bad water, no water, putrid water, walking miles to get to water each day.
And, so on this day of gratitude, I am FILLED with gratitude for the gift of WATER!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
My Good Friend, GIGI
She's so very thoughtful.
She's so committed to the Gospel of Christ.
She's very generous.
Gigi is a great cook and we are often the recipient of her goodies.
She has blessed my life in so many ways.
And, I am grateful.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
My Good Friend, Loretta
From the time she moved into our ward, we just clicked.
We go on trips together, play games together, do art work together. She is a fantastic Zentangle mentor and teacher to me.
We have a similar sense of humor. We laugh a lot. We don't really gossip; we just enjoy each other's company.
I will forever be grateful for this dear, dear friend.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of a true friend.
Here she is front and center with two other good friends; Donna Conder and Elaine Barnes. We have been together as visiting teaching allies for a lot of years.I'm so grateful for Loretta and other friends also.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
An Income
It comes faithfully every month.
4 Checks. @ for Allen....2 for me.
Other people have a lot more money, but LOTS of people have so much less.
I'm so thankful for what we get and that we can rely on it every month - 12 times a year.
It has gone on for a very long time during our retirement.
Monday, November 1, 2021
I have bathroom issues.
So, yesterday, I had to get RIGHT TO the bathroom...absolutely NO waiting time.
It made me so grateful that did not happen on our trip to Dubai.
It could have happened on the bus, the plane, touring where there are no restrooms, etc.
But, I had prayed fervently to not let anything happen; it did not.
OH, THANK YOU SO MUCH, Heavenly Father.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Good Sunday School Lessons
We had such a great lesson today in Sunday School. I was so inspired and motivated by the lesson given by Brandon Comstock.
His theme was how the scriptures will help us solve our problems and that we need to GET INTO THE scriptures so that we learn the Saviour can help us.
The answers are there for us.
I wish that I could express what I'm feeling about the lesson, but I came away so inspired.
I'm thankful for the Gospel and for the Scriptures and for Joseph Smith, who never had it easy.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
GIft of the Holy Ghost
I wish that I had listened more throughout my life.
I wish that I had taught my children to listen.
But, right now, I am so very grateful for the GIFT of the HOLY GHOST.
I'm grateful when I listen, HEAR HIM, and act on what he says.
Yes, I am thankful for so many little mini miracles each day.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
I wonder why people add that word SOUND to the saying...but I appear to be safe.
AND, I'm so grateful for the adventure and to be HOME!
More later - but I am beyond grateful.
Thank you, Heavenly Father!
Thursday, October 7, 2021
There are simply NO WORDS to describe how much I love these TWO PRICELESS daughters.
I feel blessed every day. They care about Allen and me; they are thoughtful, funny, active, caring doctors, just good, good people.
And, I feel so very grateful. Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for the GIFT of these two daughters.
Monday, October 4, 2021
My Dear Friend, Loretta
We've had some grand adventures to gather over the years since she moved to St George. It's a JOY to be with her; she is always upbeat and happy, which I just love. Oh, she is so great.
And, I am grateful.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Some Anonymous Neighbors

Thursday, September 30, 2021
My Favorite Pizza with Allen
I LOVE eating at Pieology Pizza.
Allen decides what should be on it.
And, I love the way he fixes it.
We don't eat there a lot,
But, when we do, I am very grateful.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
We just returned from a trip.
It was absolutely GREAT. Great to see family, Great to be WITH family, great to be in a beautiful place in the country, great to support our children.
BUT, two days before the trip ended, I got a head cold. BAD; you know the feeling, achy body, sore and scratchy throat, very bad cough, runny nose, etc.
So, on Thursday, on the LONG, LONG way home, all I could think of was getting into my soft, cozy, and comfy bed. All I wanted to do was to stretch out in MY BED. Doing nothing. Just bed down in a familiar place with no one around, except ALLEN, to try to make me more comfortable.
I love our home. We have waste paper baskets in EVERY ROOM, except the living room. We have TWO each in each of our three bathrooms. No one needs to search high and low for a place to throw away a tissue. We have Kleenex in every room in case you need to blow your nose.
In short, I love our home, and the way it is laid out. It just felt good to be in my OWN bed yesterday.
Oh, yes, I love HOME! That is where my heart is. OH, I do love visiting my family, but I'm always glad to come HOME.
And, I am grateful.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
A Working Back
Bonnie has bad back problems. She is hoping that a stimulator being put in will help heal her back. She suffers a lot from it when standing, which she does a lot of.
So far, I don't really have any black problems.
And, I'm so very thankful I don't have to say, "Oh, my aching back!"
It's a great blessing to have a back that works and holds me up.
I'm grateful.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
FRIENDS Who Come By for a Visit
Doorbell rings.
I open to see a great friend...
We had a great visit and she was off, but oh how fun, to have her visit.
And, I am grateful.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
FRIENDS to do Things With...
We go out for drives, or out to eat, camping or to a movie (rare in the last year!)
But, it's so great to have some friends that we can just text and say, Let's GO!
When my parents lived in Pocatello, Idaho, they had a core group of friends. They had a study group. My mother had a couple of clubs she belonged to. It was so fun for them and so fulfilling. They had solid friends and people to share their lives with.
Then they moved to Salt Lake. Everything changed for them. My mother never felt comfortable in the ward. My father had no one to call and /or to hang out with. They did not have couple friends. My father once told me somewhat ruefully, "Every year some of the members go to St George to enjoy the sunshine there. But, we have never been invited." That just broke my heart as I could hear and feel the loneliness and feel the pain of "BEING LEFT OUT."
It's so hard to move when you get older. For them it was nearly devastating. My mother had no one. My father had no one. And, they were very lonely. They, who had been at the center of a world in Pocatello, were thrust into a lonely world of retirement and being at home.
It hurts me when I think of them and of their situation.
Because I feel so blessed to have some good friends to do things with.
And, I am very grateful.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
My Mother
I love my mother; and I miss her.
I was so blessed to have such a marvelous mother.
And, I am so grateful.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Siblings and Spouses
I could not be more grateful. I LOVE and ADMIRE each of the people in this picture.
Such great, good men and women, who have willingly given their all in service to God and the Gospel.
I am so very thankful.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Thursday, July 15, 2021
A Second Night of Rain
It really hundred and lightninged.
It was awesome.
I am so very grateful.
Thank you, Heavenly Father for the answer to so many prayers.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
The Rain in the Night....
Oh, it was a delicious sound.
And, an even better sight.
BY morning, it was gone; the sky was blue, but oh, we needed that little bit of moisture.
SO very grateful.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Happy Birthday, America!
Recently, some college students were asked how they feel about being an American.
Several of them responded saying, "I am embarrassed to be an American."
I found this reprehensible and disgusting. So, why not move to North Korea?
I feel exactly the opposite. I know that America has problems, but I LOVE AMERICA!
I am so grateful to have been born here and absolutely LOVE America and what it stands for. I'm proud to salute the flag, and honor it.
Oh, I'm so grateful for AMERICA! Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Semi-truck headed right for her in her lane.
She quickly swerves to avoid head-on collision.
Hits a rock in front, then back tire.
So grateful for her fast thinking.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
TWO of the CUTEST GREAT Grandkids!
Olivia and Evan in their new 4th of July shirts! Aren't they just the CUTEST! They have such great parents who are teaching them the Gospel. I hope they also teach them how great America is!
I am so thankful for them!
Sunday, June 27, 2021
I'm so grateful that Allen is still alive.
I'm so grateful that we still can do things together and enjoy each other's company.
I'm so thankful that neither of us is alone.
It is so comfortable to be with someone who knows you, appreciates you, cares for you. Even if there are little squabbles at's just so GOOD to have someone by your side.
And, I am so grateful.
Friday, June 25, 2021
The Book of Mormon
I can't say it enough.
I love the Book of Mormon.
I listen or read every day. There are sections that absolutely THRILL me.
Many times, as I'm reading, I am struck with the NEWNESS - discovering that I don't remembering hearing that before.
Sometimes, it's like reading an entire new section.
It's just so inspiring to me. The book is filled with wisdom and testimony of the Saviour.
What a blessing to have been born in the church and to have this magnificent book to read.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Safe Return From a LONG TRIP....
...with lots of driving.
We had no mishaps, bad events, etc.
We both felt blessed to arrive home in safety.
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
I'm not at 100%, but what I'm still feeling is GRATEFUL!
Man, so much sickness, so many people not feeling well, so many struggles with health.
So, at this point, I'm still going along and I am VERY GRATEFUL!
Monday, May 24, 2021
The Book of Mormon
I finished listening to/reading the Book of mormon yesterday, Sunday, May 23. I had started it either in December or January.
I loved and enjoyed it again. I wish I knew how many times I've read it, but I know that every time I do read or listen, my testimony of the Book grows stronger. A young 21 year old boy COULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN THAT BOOK.
All the names, places, situations, wars, travels, places, battles, advice, struggles, spiritual chapters, etc. Jospeh was not capable of that. Sometimes I wonder about things in the church, but this I DO KNOW:
And, I am so grateful.
Friday, May 21, 2021
I just take it for granted. I get it whenever I want, even if it's in a drought.
I try to drink a lot of it every day.
But, not everyone in the world is as fortunate as I. I'm reading this book and it is just so eye opening about the struggles many people in the world have to just get water.
I'm so thankful for good, clean water....every day.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the blessing of water.
Monday, May 17, 2021
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Yesterday in Sacrament Meeting, I felt an overwhelming sense of JOY in being in church. I realized as the deacons passed the Sacrament that all over the world, this sacred ritual was happening.
We have had some dramatic and serious events in our ward the last two or three months, yet all the families involved were there, showing their love for Christ. These families have to be hurting, yet their testimonies burned strong. It was so inspiring to me because when things have gone wrong in my life, I haven't always been able to attend church or let the spirit of Christ help me.
But, I felt such great love for all the people in our ward. Such good, good people. Strong people. Raising such righteous children. I am inspired by them.
Sunday School was so inspiring and helpful and testimony building.
It was just a day of joy for me.
ANd, I am so very thankful!
Friday, May 14, 2021
Mother's Day Niceties
Such incredibly nice sentiments inside also.
A text from Andrea Ivey, who should win mother of the decade:
Awwww, thank you Loni! You have been such a good friend and wonderful example to ME and my whole family!! 🥰 We are so thankful and relieved too. I hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day! Yesterday the kids all shared an example of someone kind in their life and they said, “Loni Hackworth - because she always says nice things about us and makes us feel good.” I loved that they thought of YOU!! You always see the good in everyone❤️
Thank you for your very sweet text
Also, a delicious and very healthy meal was served to us by our wonderful grandchildren:
And, I am so grateful.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
A Circle of Friends....
Good friend, Loretta. She makes everything fun and cheerful.
I love this lady, Sheryl. I met her when we both were serving missions at the family history center. She decorates every single month for a new holiday or theme. May's theme was Egypt and mummies, so here is Sheryl's mummy costume. She is a remarkable. lady.
Unfortunately, Loretta took the picture, so she is not in this pix, but here are the Gal Pals. Lisa Sjogren, Loni (big and fat), Gigi Kern, Margie McMichael, and Pam ( Sheryl's Relief Society president).
I'm so thankful for these delightful and fun ladies. Laughter and inspiration around every corner.
I can't forget my longtime friend, dear Dorothy Huntington:
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for dear friends. That is such an incredible blessing.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Dearest Friends in the World.....
Loretta and Wilda and Dorothy and Gigi and Donna and Elaine.
I am so thankful for these dear ladies in my life. They each bring me great joy for different reasons.
Thank you, Heavenly Father!
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Friends, Family, and Birthday Wishes
I cannot express THANKS enough for the wonderful well wishes from friends and family on my birthday! And into the weekend. SO MUCH FUN, and I am grateful.
The calls started early, came late, and the goodies arrived all day long. It was such a happy and memorable birthday. Oh, I'm grateful.
I called Travis to beat him from calling me.
Bill and Donna Simmons
Kaey and Shauna Gee
Having and Libby Gee
Preston and Janice Gee
Texts, Cards and emails from: Shauna, Donna and Bill, Wendy Dupras, Rebecca Pister, Crystal, Stephanie and Gardner, Martha Smith, Beverly Murdock, Linda Ricks (Rexburg), Kristi - all through the day, Amy, Dorothy Huntington, Kaelyn Owens, all children BUT Jordan, who called a couple of days later with great apologies, Loretta and Mike Allam, Oscar Hackworth, Gavin and Libby, Janice and Preston, Carisa, Bobby Anderson.
Visits and Gifts: Don and Lisa Sjogren,gift card to Cafe Rio; Preston and Janice, gift card to Cliffside Dining; Loretta and Mike, set of colored pens for tangling; Plate of cookies from Gigi Kern; plate of purchased cookies from Wendy Dupras; cake balls from Peggy Hrabar; iPod and lovely metal flower from Allen; flowers from Stephanie and Gardner; little rock/picture or recipe holder from dear friend Gigi, plus the plate of cookies; Mancala game and something else from Justin and Amy; visits from Justin's family and Jeremy and his boys.
Posts on Instagram from both daughters, and responses from many friends; So incredibly thoughtful.
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Just leaving or entering Fiesta Fun to go bowling. |
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Just heading to the car to go bowl. Such fun. |
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Pictures of birthday thoughtfulness from friends. Reminds how important it is to acknowledge birthday for others. |
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Home-made cookie from Gigi; so delicious. Should I tell people that I'm trying to cut out sugar? |
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Cookies from Wendy Dupras; professional, or at least made by a 15 year old girl. |
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Cookie pop from Peggy Hrabar; incredibly delicious. |
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Much more than I ever deserve. |
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Adorable little stand for picture or recipe. Love this on my desk. |
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The Five Hackworth Cousins; unfortunately, Eli had left earlier that morning to get to work. What a delightful group of young men. |
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First picture of the returned missionary with us. Man, did I ever HUG that young man! |
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Should have combed my hair, at least. |
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The Bowling is Over; time to head home for a steak lunch by Allen. |
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Bowling can't quite compete with the game on the phone! HA! |