Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Garage

For the first few years of our married life, we didn't have a garage.

Which was fine....

EXCEPT on cold winter, snowy, frosty mornings, which was most of the time in Rexburg, Idaho.

I remember living on Widdison Way and just yearning to have a garage.  Imagine not having to scrape the windows with frozen hands, imagine not having to push off mounds of accumulated snow.

When Allen built the garage on our little home, I was so very grateful and though that was the height of luxury!

Since that time, we have had garages, and I continue to be grateful.

There's not much snow to keep off in St George, but the sun beats down and does a numbest on cars, so it's good for them to be protected.

In the last few weeks, we have used our garage for a spare bedroom and for a dining room, so there's that about having a garage.

Oh, I do love having a garage, and I am grateful.

Until recently, we had Allen's boat squeezed in between the vehicles, but he recently moved outside.
WOW, now, there is room to move around in our garage!

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