Saturday, April 30, 2022

My LIFE and Good Friends


April 28, 2022
A beautiful day for a ride in the wide open country.  
I'm so very grateful.

Monday, April 18, 2022

The Savior, Redeemer, Atonement, Resurrection and Beautiful Music

 What a glorious Easter.  

Very low key.  Nothing spectacular happened, but it was a weekend filled with music, friends, and Gospel teachings. and great feelings of LOVE.

I felt great deep feelings of love for the Saviour.  

I felt great appreciation for the music I listened to.

I felt great love and appreciation for the speakers in CHURCH.

Easter Sunday; just turned 78.  IT was a wonderful day, and I am so thankful.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Great Birthday Celebration!

 78!  That is old!  

We splurged on a fancy, expensive dinner and went to George's Corner Cafe.  Rib Eye steak is hiding under there somewhere.

 78!  That is old!  

But, there are still people who remember, and I am so grateful.

Kristi texted me at 5 a.m.  And, that's how the day started.  Of course, Travis called....

Texts: Suzette Coombs, Tiffany Reynolds, Bridger, Sayre, Oscar. Carisa, Alyson, Preston & Janice, Kaelyn Owens, Wendy Dupres

Calls: Stock & Mo, Sean & family, Jordan and Charlie and Jessica, Jeremy, Kaey & Shauna, Gardner & Stephanie, Daniel, Janessa

Visits: Mike Allam, Don & Lisa Sjogren

Cards: Linda Ricks ( of course), Kristi, Gavin & Libby

And, last night, look what Jenni brought:

Perfect way to end a very perfect day.  I am so grateful for my VERY MANY BLESSINGS!

But, I'm still old!

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 Man, so many people our age are suffering.  Of course, a lot are in excellent health also.  

But, right now, I am in pretty good health and I am ever so grateful

Thank you Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Joseph Smith and the Restored Gospel

 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organized on this day in 1830.  I'm so thankful for that restoration of Christ's original church.

I'm grateful for Joseph Smith who weathered so many trials, but never denied that he had seen God and Jesus.  He stayed so strong in spite of all that was done to him by friend and foe.

And, today, I'm so very grateful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022

A Plethora of Items, People, and Things

 Not in any order of IMPoRTANCE:

LDS General Conference

Our Car


Our children and grandchildren

Lovely home and yard

An income


Great Ward and Neighborhood




Modern Technology and Conveniences

Family Search

Extended Family





My heart is filled with gratitude.  Thank you Heavenly Father!