Monday, April 8, 2019

My Brother and Sister In Law

My father was a remarkable man; he had a distinguished career and life.

But, he was definitely the generation that went to work, came home to find dinner on the table.

He worked hard in community, civic, and church.  He spent hours doing things for others.

And, when it was time to come home, he came home to a hot-cooked meal.  If he came after dinner, my mother heated it up and served him.

I don't remember my father cooking, cleaning, or doing household chores.  EVER.

So, honestly, he was not equipped to be a widow.  But he became one in 2004.  He lived for two more years.  He would not have lived that long, if it had not been for my brother Kaey, and his wife, Shauna.

Because during the week, they moved in with my father; they cooked the meals for him, took him to doctor appointments, watched television with him, interacted with him and LOVED HIM!  They had children, so it was a great blessing all around.  He was able to be involved with his grandchildren from that family, and the grandkids interacted with him.

Then, on the weekends, they would go home to their home across the valley, fix their own meals, do their housework, yard work, attend their ward church services, etc.  But, come Monday, they would be with my father until Friday.

Sometimes, I forget what a great blessing that was for my other brothers and me.

What a sacrifice it would have been.  What a great thing they did without complaining.



Oh, when I think about it, I'm so very grateful and thankful for them.

What a great blessing to our family and to our wonderful DAD.

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