Friday, February 8, 2019


I am currently listening to two very sad books....

Why do I do this to myself??????

This is one is so horrific and depressing.  No people should have to live like the people in North Korea!  The hunger and starvation is appalling.  Such inhumane leadership.

Thank I just downloaded another sad book, but this one is about America; where not everything is rosy, either.

This is the story of two brothers growing up in the slums of Chicago, where daily gun violence is ever present, employment, drug use, fatherless children, etc.

It just makes me so very thankful for my every day today, I went to exercise and sent this picture to Jeremy as a joke because he had sent me an article about the importance of strength training!  HA strength in these bones:

Ha Ha, I look pretty tough, but it's hiding a soft interior, and okay a soft exterior also.

But, I'm so very grateful for the many blessings I have among them, mobility and FOOD!

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father for the many blessings I have.  I never want to take for granted any of the blessings I have been given from THEE.

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