Saturday, July 7, 2018

My Darling Daughters


Pain in every joint.

My hands, my knees, my fingers, my elbows.

Deep pain.

Inability to even walk without intense pain.

I called on my daughter for HELP.

She gave it.

ANd, this morning, I woke up almost pain free.

It's a me, at least.

One day, my knee started to hurt.  Then both knees...I mean...really hurt.

My hands were unable to type, play the piano, etc.

My elbows hurt and were so tender.  It was all such a mystery that it would come about so quickly.

So, I called DR FISHER...what is it, I cried out.

She asked me a few pertinent questions and she figure out it was a new antibiotic that I had recently started taking, so I immediately stopped taking it.

Pain stopped.

Truly unbelievable.

And, I am SO GRATEFUL for her diagnoses.

Then Kristi called.  She gave some helpful advice also.

Man, I love those two girls.

ANd, I am grateful.

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