Friday, February 7, 2014


Many years ago, when Allen and I used to go to the gym at Ricks College to exercise, Allen had a small tape recorder which he held in his hand:

Using his headset, he would listen to audio cassettes or the radio as he ran around the indoor oval track; (on Saturdays, he listened to Garrison Keillor and would laugh and laugh!).

I also used it; in fact, that is one of the ways I listened to the Book of Mormon....

the little device was convenient, portable, handy.

BUT, they were also frustrating if you lost your places on the tape or if the tape got mangled, which it often did, etc.

How, things have changed.

Look at the size of a music player now:
Just clip it on your belt or pants, and you are set.

Well, I don't have that version of a music player, but I do have an ITouch, which I LOVE!
I mostly read books on it, or listen to books on tape.  

And that makes exercising infinitely more DOABLE.

Having a small device that I can strap to my arm is so convenient, handy, usable.

And, I am grateful.

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